※環境:Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Patch 1
Kotlin 1.8.10
Compose Compiler 1.4.3
CompositionLocal#provided関数の実装に見ると、Dynamic側はremember+mutableStateOfが用いられているのに対し、Static側はdata classが用いられています。
: : fun <T> staticCompositionLocalOf( defaultFactory: () -> T ): ProvidableCompositionLocal<T> = StaticProvidableCompositionLocal( defaultFactory ) : : : internal class StaticProvidableCompositionLocal<T>( defaultFactory: () -> T ) : ProvidableCompositionLocal<T>(defaultFactory) { @Composable override fun provided(value: T): State<T> = StaticValueHolder(value) } : : : : : : : @Stable abstract class ProvidableCompositionLocal<T> internal constructor( defaultFactory: () -> T ) : CompositionLocal<T> (defaultFactory) { @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") infix fun provides(value: T) = ProvidedValue(this, value, true) @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") infix fun providesDefault(value: T) = ProvidedValue(this, value, false) } : : @Stable sealed class CompositionLocal<T> constructor(defaultFactory: () -> T) { @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") internal val defaultValueHolder = LazyValueHolder(defaultFactory) @Composable internal abstract fun provided(value: T): State<T> @OptIn(InternalComposeApi::class) inline val current: T @ReadOnlyComposable @Composable get() = currentComposer.consume(this) } : :
: : fun <T> compositionLocalOf( policy: SnapshotMutationPolicy<T> = structuralEqualityPolicy(), defaultFactory: () -> T ): ProvidableCompositionLocal<T> = DynamicProvidableCompositionLocal( policy, defaultFactory ) : : internal class DynamicProvidableCompositionLocal<T> constructor( private val policy: SnapshotMutationPolicy<T>, defaultFactory: () -> T ) : ProvidableCompositionLocal<T>(defaultFactory) { @Composable override fun provided(value: T): State<T> = remember { mutableStateOf(value, policy) }.apply { this.value = value } } : : @Stable abstract class ProvidableCompositionLocal<T> internal constructor( defaultFactory: () -> T ) : CompositionLocal<T> (defaultFactory) { @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") infix fun provides(value: T) = ProvidedValue(this, value, true) @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") infix fun providesDefault(value: T) = ProvidedValue(this, value, false) } : : @Stable sealed class CompositionLocal<T> constructor(defaultFactory: () -> T) { @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") internal val defaultValueHolder = LazyValueHolder(defaultFactory) @Composable internal abstract fun provided(value: T): State<T> @OptIn(InternalComposeApi::class) inline val current: T @ReadOnlyComposable @Composable get() = currentComposer.consume(this) } : :
internal data class StaticValueHolder<T>(override val value: T) : State<T>
Unlike compositionLocalOf, reads of a staticCompositionLocalOf are not tracked by the composer and changing the value provided in the CompositionLocalProvider call will cause the entirety of the content to be recomposed instead of just the places where in the composition the local value is used. This lack of tracking, however, makes a staticCompositionLocalOf more efficient when the value provided is highly unlikely to or will never change. ----- CompositionLocalOf とは異なり、staticCompositionLocalOf の読み取りはコンポーザーによって追跡されず、CompositionLocalProvider 呼び出しで指定された値を変更すると、コンポジション内のローカル値が使用されている場所だけでなく、コンテンツ全体が再構成されます。 ただし、この追跡がないため、提供された値が変更される可能性が非常に低い場合、または変更されない場合には、staticCompositionLocalOf がより効率的になります。
//private val state = compositionLocalOf<String> { error("State not found !") } private val state = staticCompositionLocalOf<String> { error("State not found !") } class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { @SuppressLint("CoroutineCreationDuringComposition", "UnrememberedMutableState") override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { MyApplicationTheme { var _toggle by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } Surface( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background ) { val _moji = if(_toggle) "ABC" else "123" Column { CompositionLocalProvider(state provides _moji) { Element1() ElementA() } Button(onClick = { _toggle = (! _toggle) }) { Text(text = "Recompose") } } } } } } } // ----- @Composable fun Element1() { Log.i(TAG, "Recompose Element1 !") Element2() } @Composable fun Element2() { Log.i(TAG, "Recompose Element2 !") Element3() } @Composable fun Element3() { Log.i(TAG, "Recompose Element3 !") Text(text = state.current) // ローカルな変数の参照 } // ----- @Composable fun ElementA() { Log.i(TAG, "Recompose ElementA !") ElementB() } @Composable fun ElementB() { Log.i(TAG, "Recompose ElementB !") ElementC() } @Composable fun ElementC() { Log.i(TAG, "Recompose ElementC !") }

Unlike compositionLocalOf, reads of a staticCompositionLocalOf are not tracked by the composer and changing the value provided in the CompositionLocalProvider call will cause the entirety of the content to be recomposed instead of just the places where in the composition the local value is used. This lack of tracking, however, makes a staticCompositionLocalOf more efficient when the value provided is highly unlikely to or will never change. ----- CompositionLocalOf とは異なり、staticCompositionLocalOf の読み取りはコンポーザーによって追跡されず、CompositionLocalProvider 呼び出しで指定された値を変更すると、コンポジション内のローカル値が使用されている場所だけでなく、コンテンツ全体が再構成されます。ただし、この追跡がないため、提供された値が変更される可能性が非常に低い場合、または変更されない場合には、staticCompositionLocalOf がより効率的になります。